Amoura Nocturra

Hey matees, it’s been 2 months and several days since my last upload. So about this animated drawing: how many colours did it take to make this? I used 17 colours in this piece all from my Master Palette [18 if you count transparent pixels in the corners. How long did it take me to make this? Roughly 5 months, and the animation itself is 32 frames long. Who's the character and what’s her story/lore: It’s a character from a graphic novel I keep procrastinating to make. Amoura has suffered a big fall from grace partly from her own doing. Her character type is self-important, arrogant and lightly introspective. Well with such overall crappy character traits doesn’t she have some redeeming qualities? Well yes, although she’s mostly self-centered she actually does care for her daughter though because of the other traits mentioned doesn’t do a good job showing it. Her daughter, whose that? Hmm, well I think I’ll explain more in my next drawing which I promise will be finished in less time than this one took me. Before and After Animation: . Tags: #Pixelart #Fleja #stylish #animation #spooky #dark #underwater . Sorry for the lack of a soundtrack with this piece;I do have a discord server I’ve been working on quite a bit if you want to join that . Thanks for reading and I really hope you like this animation, I’ve put the most into this piece of anything I’ve made before. Thank you c:
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