Bicolores Oceanum Bestia

This massive and mysterious species of leviathan that inhabit the oceans of Rudicus,Alongside the mighty Signum Fiat Mare.Unlike Signum Fiat Mare the Bicolores Oceanum Bestia are extremely rare and only inhabit the lowers regions of ocean,And since they are quite rare it is currently unknown as to what they actually eat,Or how long they live for and even how many are left in the ocean.Their name means "Bicolored Ocean Beast" as one of their most defining features being the split on the creature even having different colored bioluminescent markings.The largest documented specimen was 10 meters in length and weighing up to 98 tons,But it is theorized that they can grow much larger as the specimen was seemingly a adolescent at most.It's thought by some that they use the lure-like barbels to lure in large schools of Fish and consume the school in one gulp,But some think that they use the barbels to lure in massive groups of Plankton and other microscopic animals to filter feed them,But for now it is unknown as to what they eat.In some cases researchers have seen Bicolores Oceanum Bestia flipping over and positioning their pectoral fins to accommodate their new posture and they have stayed like that for days on end with seemingly no reasons as to why they do this odd behavior.Sometimes the bioluminescent markings on the Leviathan will slowly fade in and out in a wave-like motion or in quick and wild patterns most likely used for long distance communication,But since they are so rare these calls are simply forlorn in nature...The calls they produce are much like those of the Blue Whales of Earth,Although their calls are far more deep in pitch.Their skin is incredibly thick and ridged in nature and this makes them quite slow and rather ridged in movement,But even with this thick skin one species of Barnacle called "Bone-Killers" as they use their odd root-like structures to slowly eat away at the hosts bones and cartilage,But the process takes years to finish.
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