
63 sprites of Pixilart users! Every sprite fits within at least 48x64, but most fit within 32x48 or smaller (one even fits within 16x16). If I didn't include you, it's probably because I couldn't find a full body ref of your persona. That or I hate your guts. The sprites are arranged in no particular order, but if I put you next to your mortal enemy, it was probably on purpose. 1st row: @Terphic @Alyssa @Fleja @Vinzenzius @8-bit-adventure @10Gpixels @dragonkey @ThaSilentArtist @Sparkle2232. 2nd row: @zaraplu @downgraded @Archer-a @Froemazy @Nanner (yours truly) @SkeletonFred @Angel-eats-Kids @Dopey-Dragonite @Tellurium. 3rd row: @5ak47 @SauceWaffle @Jayevrd @Hekkkk @Redde @WatchfulEye @S-p-y (@ranai) @Mark-MP @RingoBingo. 4th row: @Slate @Kawaii-Warrior @TheHolyPeanut @LordSheep @BluuArts @ZekosLabs @Eclipse89 @Pixel-Knight @Pnisher. 5th row: @IsaGamerStudios @Pixlate @Peppermint @Mayuniki @isometric (@physbol) @CaptinMangletty @Tsiox @Compact @QueenKiwi. 6th row: @Elentric @MangoBerri @JoaoVasconcelos @Mememellow @ScarredPixel123 @HexH @Mininongg @Chuu @Arbieee (@Arbiee). 7th row: @Slinky @joseperezz @Wolf @Snootleborf @Biology-nerd @bendododo (@Bendodo) @countingcrows @AWalnut @Meowth.
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