Tears of Old Gears [Secret Santa Gift for Ajgamer]

Hello @Ajgamer -It’s your Secret Santa - Here’s the you gift; uploaded by what I estimate by the time I’m done typing this to be about 2 hours away from being late. I have a lot of mixed feeling along the production of this drawing. There’s been a lot of work, a lot of uncertainty, and severe time constraints and patience constraints throughout the making- But I’m happy I finished barely on time haha. You requested a man with a monocle [check], steampunk or cyberpunk theme [I tried to do my best so semi check for each], a pocketwatch [No check/ sorry matee :/ ], and no top hat [easy check lol]. Steampunk/old-fashioned isn’t really my thematic choice ever [except for that one time I tried itin a comic]. I usually try to stick with dark-alien-mystery-ish style lately- if that makes any sense. However, this was a fun change of pace to try something new. This animation took me over the course of a month and a few days to make and 16 colours [17 if you count the white/transparent pixels in the corners]. The Number of frames is 36. The base animation only uses 12, but to prevent super repetitiveness, some animations have long pauses so that it doesn’t feel - too fake i guess. From me to you - Im happy to see you’ve been in the community this long, and have been a good friend, and a growing artists on this platform and I hope you only keep going forward even more. Before and After Animation: https://imgur.com/a/9N8w8Px . Tags: #Pixelart #Pixilart #SecretSanta2018 #Gift #Steampunk #Oldman #Monocle #Animation #Animated #Stylish #Fleja #Ajgamer . Thanks for reading and I hope you like your gift c:
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