The DeZwaan

Ah finally done... At first this was very hard to shape and just figure out how I wanted it to proportion and everything(The hardest part being the dome at the top) but the farther down I went the easier it got! Thanks to @dysphoriaa for the amazing color palette. It had a downtown coffee shop, or book store feel to it. Like Barns and Nobles if you know what that is. Reference Image:,online_chips:holland&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWyKHKjobvAhUQUawKHSWODyAQ4lYoCHoECAEQIQ&biw=1903&bih=969#imgrc=jOz23FNUcZRZ8M&imgdii=cNPqoLfB5BvIqM
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