The Rattlesnakes

The Rattlesnakes

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Men who committed sin were lead to a pit rightfully dubbed the "Snake Pit." The dreaded snake pit was the last place one would want to find themselves in, it isn’t filled with ordinary snakes. Within this pit is a breed of rattlesnake like no other, the large serpents were vile, known well for viscously tearing a part and consuming sinners; leaving only but a rotten bone stripped of its flesh behind. Attempting to escape this pit is futile, those who fall find themselves in a new world, a world filled with rocks and many things to fear within the darkened corners, the hole above acting as the only window to the real world. As tradition goes, the men who sinned were forced into the hole, some breaking their bones upon hitting the hard, cold ground. Those lucky to have had another break their fall found themselves hopelessly clawing at the walls in an attempt to escape, damaging their nails in the process. The rattlesnakes inching ever closer, greeting them with a gruesome end. Their screams silenced, the only sound that remained was the applause from the audience above.. The people of Saflik.

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Picture of the Day 9/5/2020
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