Contest need a monster for my drawing
Dates: 05/02/2022 - 05/16/2022
  • Contest Ended
  • Not Entered
  • Digital Art Allowed
    Contest Details:
    need a monster for my drawing
    Hello! im trying to make an epic pixelart to try and get staff pic. I need a dark monster that is (mostly red) and is gory. it can be as simple as a little mouse for i will consider every drawing i get but i prefer for them to be red and gory. ok moving on to prizes: 1st place will get a follow, a remake of their art (possibly), and repost their art work (u want them follows, dont u?) 2nd place will get a follow, be mentioned for a short peroid of time, and add ur drawing (possibly a remake) to my big project. 3nd place will get a follow and a single repost of their artwork :)))) have fun!!!
    New species report
    320 14 45

    New species report

    By GoliadThaGreat @GoliadThaGreat
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    need a monster for my drawing

    Voting has ended. Thank you to everyone who participated. Congrats to the winners!
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