Contest the most Dankest contest
Dates: 03/23/2017 - 03/29/2017
  • Contest Ended
  • Not Entered
      Contest Details:
      the most Dankest contest
      this is a contest where you can draw any dank memes, that your dankyiest dank heart desires. and its just for fun too! or I can follow you depending on how dank you meme is! I don't really have standards so everyone's is a winner!, but also not because its a contest, ;P but have fun with this! I know I will. lets just say first place gets a follow, spam likes, and critic comments second place will likes and critic comments and third will get ehhh the same as second XD ;P have fun!!! ooo~ and gotta love me some GIF'S
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      the most Dankest contest

      Voting has ended. Thank you to everyone who participated. Congrats to the winners!
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